Sunday, May 25, 2014


The community observation paper assignment appeared very straightforward upon first reading… and then I tried to locate my communities, ha!  The only social media sites I have previously used are facebook and a perfume enthusiast’s discussion board (no, I am not kidding; I am really really into perfume).  These two don’t have much to do with each other, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t find something new, since I needed new communities anyway!  I got a bit caught up in trying to find a social media based community that revolved around my profession, or the profession that I teach.  But really, all I could find were organizations, and these are groups that I already participate in.  So I went with a hobby that I have; triathlon.  My husband and I both compete very casually in the sport of triathlon.  I’ve only done it since 2012, so I am still quite the beginner… and I am crazy happy if I somehow manage to beat one or two people at the back of the pack!  But I’m in it for the experience, so I am happy just to finish (for now anyway).  My blog wallpaper is a photo of the type of triathlon bike that I own; meet the Specialized Transition Apex- she is a beauty!  At any rate, I have not participated in communities related to triathlon before, so that’s what I hunted next.  I found a local group of triathletes that is on facebook, and a discussion board arm of the perfume-aholic website that is the fit board.  Since I have used both sites previously, the learning curve shouldn’t be too dramatic.  But each distinct community within the social media site is novel to me, so I look forward to seeing what I find!


  1. I's hard to find two ACTIVE community! I was interested to follow communities that teach Korean, but find it hard to determine which sites/tools are instead a community :(

    I think you would learn a lot from the communities that you've chosen :) best of luck!

  2. Oh good point! You're right, I did find a half-dozen other communities, but the last interactions between members or posts or events were in 2013 or even 2012. I'm hopeful that I have even chosen a good week... because June 1 is a popular triathlon in California; the Escape from Alcatraz! Tri communities should be buzzing :)

  3. I had some trouble trying to find some online communities as well. I think that looking for hobbies are definitely the way to go. You can find something that you are interested in and actually keep going back for more! Good luck on your communities!

  4. Hobbies, fitness and pop culture seem to be the most common community sites. Glad you found one for you!

  5. Activity seems to be major concern of everybody. I had that problem too when I was looking for communities. Last interaction was months ago in some photography communities. Finally I found two communities in which members interacted with each other recently.
