Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sign of (me being behind...) the Times

This week’s topics and references have really made me feel behind the times… I’ve been online and a distance learner for a long time, and I guess I have fallen into the trap of thinking that this status means I am making use of web 2.0 and I am sort of ‘with it’ when it comes to technology in education.  I’m not.  This class is apparently right where I need to be, because I don’t have a handle on how some of these basic web tools can allow me to better facilitate learning experiences!  I am excited to learn about twitter and feed readers because I see an opportunity to customize my own experience while expanding my resources in education.  I won’t pretend as though I don’t feel a bit overwhelmed, because I do.  Every time I start searching for resources online, I get distracted by this cool thing, and that neat page, what's this article, I should read this, but I'll need to follow this link to read the original... you know what I mean.  But the idea of bringing my favorite resources, blogs, and social media to one spot with a feed reader seems like a great time and effort savings!  Even if it makes me feel ten years behind the curve…


  1. Navigating it all and being overwhelmed at times is kind of what it's all about. And with time you start to feel less overwhelmed by it all. That sounds circular, but really, that's how it works.

  2. Carrie, I'm right there with you. Except I'm 20 years behind the curve so that ought to make you feel crazy happy 'cos you're ahead of me! Like you I kidded myself into thinking that a semester of online studies would bring me up to par. What a joke! I've learned more in 2 weeks in Web 2.0 than in...well, two decades. My teenage daughters and husband used to call me "technically impaired". They're not laughing as much since I'm introducing them to social media tools and concepts they've never heard of before.
    So, bring it on. Just like the pain of cycling, we've got to stick with it as we work to build our online muscles!
