Sunday, July 27, 2014

It's the end of the summer as we know it...!

Ok, this video is presented for no academic or educational reason whatsoever!  It simply serves to make me giggle, lower my blood pressure, and remind me that animals love unconditionally- no matter what goofy position or outfit I might be in :)  Whew, that's actually a lot of reasons, huh?!  Just not official and school related, I suppose.

We have certainly stepped outside our comfort zone this semester, haven't we?  And as my Yin Yoga teacher often likes to ask the class, 'what would happen if...?'  As in what would happen if you just kept on running?  Or what would happen if you did hold plank for three minutes?  And my favorite, what if you just sat still for a few more minutes, no matter the discomfort (after all, the longer you stay in position, the more your fascia changes...)?  Doing those things isn't always comfy, or easy, but we can usually do them and come out better on the other side.  Just like you and I have this semester!

What would happen if I blogged?  Oh the horror!  Well, I'm a blogger now :)  Will it continue, will I ever keep it up or use for anything again?  Who knows?  But I know I can.  What would happen if I built a wikispace classroom?  Well, I would have a classroom I didn't have yesterday!  And now I know I can.  What would happen if I!?  Ok, that one doesn't work so well...

At any rate, I have had a blast this summer, and I have learned some really terrific techniques and tools for my immediate use in teaching.  I'm looking forward to the fall term, after a tiny little break, of course.  On a very. big. ocean...  Good luck EME6414, and enjoy your break!


  1. Haha, love your video and your post! I's not so bad if we just do it. I've learned a lot along with everyone else this semester. Good luck and enjoy the rest of your summer! :)

  2. I love those videos!!!!! Your post was great. It has been a great summer, exploring Web 2.0 and blogging!!! Enjoy summer.

  3. Love the video and your post! Thank you for keeping this interesting blog. Yes, we did it!!! Good luck to you and hope you have a great summer! :)
