Sunday, July 20, 2014

Social Justice via Social Media

One of the discussion topics this week prompted me to go hunt some impactful instances of social justice enabled by social media... this video presents what seems like a fairly tame example; getting the lights fixed in a community.  However, the social media efforts were able to demonstrate just what a safety hazard and activity restriction the lack of lights brought to the community.  Eventually, the social media movement resulted in a march through the streets and repair of the lights. 

I'm glad to have found this positive outcome from a social media campaign for justice.  I get very cynical when below is most people's idea of activism (some people, all day everyday on Facebook and Twitter...).  I don't even know precisely what this 'knowledge movement' thinks they know... or is trying to impact...?  People photographed lying in their garbage?  Nope, not even going there...  I think the messages get a bit watered down when I know that I'm going to avoid the majority of these posts! 



  1. You're right about the need for positive outcomes to be shared. So much of our media (news, social) love to focus on the negative.

    As though everyone doesn't have enough bad news locally and personally.
    I enjoyed the video clip.

  2. I agree; there is so much "smut" that occurs on TV, and now on social media. The detriment of having so much power and information from the Internet is also to have to weed through the nonsense. It's crazy how many companies exploit social media for marketing; even people who are my friends who become sellers of things like Juice Plus or Rogan and Fields makeup take advantage of social media to trash my news feed with, essentially, propaganda. Crazy!
