Friday, July 4, 2014


I have had a challenging time figuring out the Yahoo Pipes technology this week... I can't seem to get the search function on the website to work; has anyone else had this experience?  I'm not finding pipes that are functioning in ways that would be professionally useful to me, so I've been a bit frustrated.  I did find one super neat pipe for movie trailers (I am a HUGE sucker for movie trailers... although sometimes they contain all the good parts of a movie, don't they?!):

I think it will be interesting to read others' experience with Pipes and see if anyone has better luck than I have had...!

1 comment:

  1. I've been experimenting with Pipes and I agree, it's not the easiest tool to use unless you have some technical knowledge of online content filtering. Of course Yahoo has touted it as relatively "easy" to use, but "easy" is a relative term.

    Along with the Pipes demo on the class' Blackboard site, this Quick Vanity Feed: 2 minute Yahoo Pipes Demo found at "" was good enough for me to get Pipes to do some interesting stuff.
